Get your own web site for $25 setup, $15 / year, $12 / month!
There are lots of places to get cheap or free web hosting. Why choose Pearl Creek Technology?
We have more than a decade of experience managing web content for non-profit organizations. You can find cheaper places to host a web presence, but you won’t find the experience and professionalism to go with it. Plus, a commitment with us will also help the planet!
All web hosting includes ad-free content served from a solid-state hard drive with a custom web domain that we’ll help you choose, an email address with your custom domain, professional web forms, automatic server and database backups, a responsive design that looks and works great on mobile devices, inclusion in search results on Google, Bing, and other search engines, and lots of other great benefits you won’t get from the big guys.
Hosting with us is easy. For $15 / year, you get a custom web domain that is automatically renewed each year. For $12 / month, or $120 / year, you get unlimited bandwidth and storage space for your blog or web site. Setup is easy, too, whether you want a static web presence that we manage for you or a dynamic site you can manage yourself.
We also offer very affordable migration services for your current domain and web site. Contact us for more information!